25 strangely satisfying cleaning and DIY jobs | loveproperty.com

2022-09-03 10:04:41 By : Mr. JACK XUAN

For most of us, cleaning the house is a necessary evil that we try to put off as long as possible. However, every now and then there’s a chore that’s oddly enjoyable, whether as a means of working out pent-up frustration, or as a soothing exercise in productive relaxation. For inspiration on household jobs that won’t make you want to hit ‘snooze’, check out these 25 strangely satisfying domestic duties.  

If you have a penchant for picking at things, scraping off old paint might be a perfect form of catharsis. Plus, it’s the best way to get your walls ready for a new splash of colour or painting design to brighten a space.

This is the perfect activity for a hot summer day. Whether it’s a wooden deck, some outdoor furniture, or a grubby fence, break out the power washer and enjoy a refreshing mist as you blast those surfaces clean. You’ll find it’s incredibly satisfying to watch the dirt just melt away in straight lines.

Where would we be without calendars? Whether you prefer an app in your phone or a work of art on your wall, you know you’d be lost without those daily reminders about important things like dentist appointments and great-aunt’s birthdays. If you struggle with keeping your cleaning schedule on track, you might try making a cleaning-specific calendar, appointing certain jobs for certain days or weeks, making sure everything gets done in a regular fashion. Plus, it will give you an excuse to break out those rainbow highlighters again.

Rainbow highlighters, sticky-notes, Tupperware sets — we know the appeal of a good colour-coded system. It makes life just a bit more organised, plus it’s pretty to look at and satisfying to do. If mornings are a stressor, try colour-coding your closet, making it easier to find clothes that match, and ensuring you’ll always be able to put your hand on that favourite red shirt!

Never underestimate the wisdom of Marie Kondo. Over the years we tend to accumulate clothes, without really eliminating those that no longer suit our bodies or senses of style. If your closet is becoming overwhelming, try going through it with Marie’s mentality. Ask yourself — “does this item spark joy?” If not, put it aside to be donated to a good charity shop, or try selling items on a sustainable fashion retail website such as depop.

You were always told never to pick at the wallpaper as a kid, but boy was it tempting. However, if you’re confronted with some truly terrifying 60s prints in your new home that just have to come down, it’s finally time to start peeling. Another immensely satisfying sensorial experience, wallpaper peeling can be a great stress-reliever and step towards home improvement.

Polishing might not provide the same immediate serotonin boost as picking or peeling, but it can also be a very relaxing task. Pop on your favourite Netflix binge, break out the polish, and enjoy a sense of accomplishment as you watch your silverware, candlesticks, or jewellery go from tarnished and dull to sparkling like new.

It might be hard work, but yanking up unwanted weeds can be incredibly satisfying, and is an important part of keeping any yard or garden healthy. We recommend taking a before and after of this task for the ultimate satisfaction. 

It’s always satisfying to apply a fresh coat of paint to reinvigorate a space, and even more so to change up the colour for completely new look. The very best part is getting to remove the painter’s tape at the end and see the clean, precise line of new paint revealed as the tape comes off!

This is another activity that can benefit from the wisdom of Ms. Kondo or The Home Edit. Closet and cupboard reorganising is an excellent rainy-day activity, not to mention a future lifesaver for those moments when you’re frantically searching for a plaster or measuring cup. With a place for everything and everything in its place, closets and cupboards go from nightmarish clutter to tidy, useful storage spaces.

You may be familiar with the concept of sweater-shaving, but have you ever tried carpet-shaving? A little-known life hack: sweater-shavers work well on area rugs, too! If your carpet is getting worn and ‘pilly’ in places, try evening it out with one of these handy tools. The adjustable settings let you determine how much you want to trim, and the process may help extend the life of your rug.

Nothing makes a bathroom start to look dated as quickly as cracks in the tile or calking gaps between the tub and the wall. Not only are these unsightly, they also become perfect places for mould and mildew born of bathroom moisture to creep into and take hold. The best way to combat both of these problems is with caulking, which can be satisfying both in the knowledge of a job well done, and in seeing those gaps getting steadily filled in by smooth, clean lines of caulk.

Deposits formed from hard water-build up on taps and shower heads can seem nasty, but in reality they’re just mineral conglomerates that can easily be removed by a bit of elbow grease. Scraping off the deposits can be another sensorily-satisfying job, plus you’ll get to enjoy a sparkling-clean showerhead when you’ve finished.

Chinese takeaway containers, old pizza boxes, mismatched Tupperware full of mysterious, unidentifiable ghosts of dinners past —  it’s easy for our refrigerators to become scary places when we’re too busy to keep them tidy. However, having a clean, well-organised fridge is not only satisfying, it’s also important for hygiene as well. Start by emptying out your fridge completely, scrubbing down all the surfaces with disinfectant, and then try reorganising based on purchase date, meal type, or the food pyramid.

Everyone wants to be able to view the world through rose-coloured glasses, but being able to view it through sparkling-clean windows would be a good second best. Squeegeeing suds from a window is strangely satisfying, and don’t forget about the fantastic ASMR opportunities.

Out of site, out of mind may seem like an appropriate philosophy when it comes to awkward corners and hard-to-reach surfaces, but for those with allergies or asthma those dust bunnies can be deadly, especially if that long-built-up dust gets disturbed by turning on a fan or moving a piece of furniture. It may not be the most exciting of household tasks, but dusting unconventional places, such as ceiling fan blades, the tops of picture frames, or underneath larger pieces of furniture can be really satisfying.

If mysterious bathroom staining gives you the ick, bleach is your best friend. For personal satisfaction as well as hygiene, it’s a good idea to bleach your shower and/or bathtub about every two weeks. Just remember to keep windows and doors open while you scrub!

Raking dead leaves might just be a treat, not a chore. Not only are the crackling and crunching sounds a lot of fun, but raking up leaves helps keep your lawn looking tidy, and prevents the grass from drying out. Bonus points if you have a pet that loves playing in huge piles of leaves —although it may take longer to complete the task.

You’ve got to love any task that requires a fun accessory. Lawn aeration, usually done in both the spring and autumn, is important to keep grass healthy. While you can purchase an aerating machine, it’s both more economical and a lot more fun to simply get lawn-aerating shoes, which let you perform the job by simply walking around your garden!

Every home has one — a catch-all drawer full of office supplies, scrap paper, doctors’ phone numbers, old bills, and the occasional random gadget no one quite remembers the purpose of. While these drawers no doubt have a sort of eclectic charm, they are also far more useful to us when we can find what we’re looking for without running the risk of slicing our hand open on the edge or an errant paper knife. Try purchasing a drawer organiser to sort the junk into sections so you don’t have to rummage.

While your coffee maker and toaster might be your most commonly used appliances, they are also likely your least frequently cleaned ones. It’s easy to forget to clean the insides of appliances you use for the same thing every day, but it’s also satisfying to clean them out every once in a while, to keep things running smoothly.

Carpets are a real trap for any airborne detritus, be it pet fur, dust, dandruff, hair, or crumbs of food, so they should be cleaned regularly. Looking for a little motivation? It can be extremely satisfying to actually watch your carpet get clean as the hoover passes over it, leaving behind a stretch of rug that looks a shade lighter, as well as to go in strategic straight lines to maximise coverage.

Like peeling wallpaper and chipping paint, defrosting the freezer can be cathartic, as you use a butter knife or even a paint scraper to chip away at ice build-up. It’s not a job that needs to be done too often, but it can be a good way to take out any pent-up frustration or stress when its time does roll around.

Not the most pleasant of tasks, cleaning out the filter in your air vent or tumble dryer is nevertheless a job that will give you a sense of satisfaction simply for getting it done. Plus, unchanged lint filters can be a real fire hazard, while dirty or congested air filters can release toxins into your home that might make you sick, so both chores should be done regularly.

With so many gadgets now playing important parts in our daily lives, it's easy for our countertops to become overrun with stray chords and chargers, frequently ones we can’t even identify. To tame the forest of electrical vines, try sorting through the cords to identify which ones get used regularly, putting away those that don’t, and even putting a piece of coloured tape around similar looking cords to distinguish between chargers.

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